Scientific Origin Story
A crater, a name, and a seven year saga for small justice
Takeaway from Trang et al. paper(s):
Several months ago, our lab supervisor let us know about a flyer she saw seeking “The Experiences of Female-Identifying Graduate Students in STEM Disciplines...
As some of you may recall, I’m not exactly great at balancing TA duties with all the other parts of being a Ph.D. student even at the best of times. Therefor...
How bad figures and sloppy language give avoidable ammunition to climate change denial
A dream of generations is finally unfolding before our eyes—are we ready for it?
Mourning and celebrating a childhood scientific icon
Reconciling past privilege and present pain
AI is growing smarter by feeding it the internet. What happens when it starts to consume itself?
I’ve finally started migrating my writing from Medium over to here, in order to have a centralized platform with all of my professional work in one place. Ha...