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The Horizon Glow-Up

Recently, I began a project to try to compare remote sensing data (multiple radar datasets with different wavelengths as well as thermal infrared from Divine...

Topographic Corrections: Final Boss Edition

In a previous blog post, I talked about the many, many issues I’ve had with handling the complexity that is accurate modelling of the temperatures of planeta...

Analog Arcana

As I discussed in a previous post, electronics has been an on-again-off-again hobby of mine ever since a childhood friend introduced me to the world of passi...

BEAM me up!

Today I wanted to share a little bit about my journey with a subject tangential to science that I didn’t end up pursuing as a career, but that nonetheless ha...

God Rest Ye MIDI Instruments

So, the semester is almost done, we’re in the home stretch on assignments, the snow is falling (well, was falling), and soon I’ll be on my first real break s...